NYC's Real Estate Flip Tax

NYC Real Estate

SEP 21, 2023

New York City's real estate market is unlike any other, characterized by its complexity, diversity, and unique regulations. Among the various factors that can influence property transactions in the city, the "flip tax" stands out as a noteworthy consideration. In this blog post, we'll delve into the concept of the flip tax, its significance in NYC real estate, and how it can impact buyers, sellers, and co-op buildings.

Understanding the Flip Tax

A flip tax, also known as a transfer fee or transfer tax, is a charge imposed by a cooperative (co-op) building on the sale of an apartment within the building. Unlike traditional property taxes imposed by municipalities, the flip tax is internal to the co-op and is aimed at generating revenue for the building's operations, improvements, or reserve funds. This fee is typically a percentage of the sales price or the profit realized from the sale.

Types of Flip Taxes

Percentage of Profit

This type of flip tax is calculated based on a percentage of the profit made by the seller. The higher the profit, the higher the flip tax.

Percentage of Sales Price

In this scenario, the flip tax is calculated based on a percentage of the total sales price of the apartment being sold.

Fixed Amount

Some co-ops implement a fixed flip tax, where the seller pays a predetermined amount regardless of the sales price or profit.

Graduated Scale

Some co-ops use a graduated scale for flip taxes, where the percentage charged increases as the profit or sales price increases.

Impacts on Buyers and Sellers


Flip taxes can influence buyers' decisions when considering a co-op apartment. Since this tax is paid by the seller, it can indirectly affect the negotiated price of the property. Buyers should factor in the potential flip tax when determining their budget and evaluating the overall affordability of the property.


Sellers need to take the flip tax into account when calculating their net proceeds from the sale. The flip tax can significantly impact the profit realized from the sale, especially in cases of high-value apartments or substantial profits.

Co-op Buildings and Financial Health

Flip taxes play a pivotal role in the financial health of co-op buildings. The revenue generated from these taxes can be used to cover building maintenance, repairs, capital improvements, and other operating expenses. Well-maintained buildings with healthy reserve funds are generally more attractive to potential buyers, and flip taxes can contribute to the overall stability of a co-op community.

The flip tax is a distinctive feature of the NYC real estate landscape, particularly within co-op buildings. Whether you're a buyer or seller, being aware of the flip tax and its implications can help you make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the market.

This content is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as financial, tax, legal, or insurance advice.


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